While it is clear that the public power alone cannot bear the financial effort, the phase will also highlight the essential public-private cooperation to accelerate investment in service of a decarbonized future and in respect of climate goals and commitments, according to trajectories that are acceptable and sustainable for everyone.
🎤 Featuring interventions from:
- Frédéric Cuillerier, Mayor of Saint Ay and co-president of the Mobility commission, AMF
- Bruno Cavagné, President, National Federation of Public Works (FNTP)
- Pierre de Firmas, Director of Electric Mobility, Enedis
- Christophe Boutin, General Delegate, ASFA
- Pierre Aubouin, Director of the Infrastructure and Mobility department, Investment Direction, Caisse des Dépôts
- Laurent Fourtune, Founding Partner of KEVIN SPEED, a railway operator developing “High Speed for all, every day”
Hosted by:
- Jeremy Bellanger, Le Moniteur
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